Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Blog

Hey everybody - I took the liberty of creating a blog for us; we can check in here, post pics, do all kinds of stuff, and of course, continue our talks!


  1. Yo all---the "old guy" signing in. Not much to say at the moment but I'm sure we can develop this nicely as time goes by. I'm going to try and get Larry Jr, Mary, and the grandkids (Marissa & Darren) to get on here. The other ones are too young. Theresa will be seven tomorrow and Mary is having some kind of party on Sat with one of those air tents that kids can jump in all day long and hopefully not kill themselves or each other. I will try it. Good job setting this up Brian. Ihad a blog which I cancelled and I have to set up another one. Anyway---See ya

  2. Yo - great job B. Like Larry I'll floogle this around ter all da kids so dey can take a bite too. Help ho Murther! People Marlin fishing from helicopters. Bill Gates only has 40 billion left! There goes the money for Africa. Bernie Madoff to get private prison cell with gold toilet fixtures, spa and sauna, and olympic size swimming pool. He's lucky he didn't smoke pot - he'd be thrown in the hole. Who thinks like me that Nasa rigged the hydrogen leak on the shuttle???

  3. Be sure to catch the reruns of the Daily Show from last night. Priceless. Stewart picks Jim Cramer apart so thoroughly that it's painful to watch.

  4. Hey all - thanks for the kudos, happy to do it! Now we have our own space where we can get into it! Re Stewart vs Cramer - yeah, I was glued to the coverage. NPR did a piece on it saying that Cramer's defense of MSNBC was not very "robust."

    Here's a topic I'd like to get rolling. Can you be liberal, a democrat, progressive, and still *really* be Catholic? Some of the democrats highest ideals (care for the poor, for instance) are in sync with Christian maxims.

    While at the Archdiocese, we had a VERY conservative Archbishop from Peoria, IL. Erudite, yes, he had studied in Rome, highly educated, etc. But he really changed the culture there. I often heard this criticism of people who were "Catholic Lite" - or "Cafeteria Catholics." They kinda made it seem like this isn't acceptable - either you buy the whole deal, and live it fully, or get out.

    Me being an all or nothing type of person, i think "why do something half-assed? Why be somewhere where they don't want me?" I just don't live my life to the letter of their way of thinking.

    Still, I think about how they say, for instance, with voting, how you have to go with your "conscience"? That's so vague - where are the lines? If I voted for Obama - does that mean since he's pro-choice - that I have on my hands the stain of every abortion that has ever taken place?

    Getting back to the orig question - can you really, truly be a liberal Catholic - what if there are people, who, with a good, clear, and thought-out conscience - choose to be more liberal, to vote for Obama, or to support their gay son or daughter in their relationships, or to tell their daughter that she can do anything a man can do - and if she wants to be a priest or minister, yes, by all means, pursue it - and STILL go to Church on Sunday? Maybe they have their own rationalizations for why that's the "right" and ethical thing to do - which would be cut like butter by a Vatican educated canon lawyer...

    Me - I can't do it, but this is actually out of respect for the Catholic Church, the faith my parents raised me with. If i can't walk the walk, if I openly disregard what they're telling me to do - then I should remove myself from participation.

    Others believe that's really an abandonment of the Church, and if they really love her, they should stick around, and work to represent that side of things. Change happens slowly, VERY slowly, and often not at all. But there are those that believe yes, they have a stake, why should only the conservative, more right-leaning people get to have the Church, why should we be the ones to leave?...

    It's an interesting argument, and one I haven't figured out, so thoughts this are welcome!

  5. I'll leave the "did Jesus want to be worshipped as God or not" question alone for now. However, re his maxims, I think even though they are hard to follow, the point is to try. And in that, i agree with you in that - you can do that whether you believe he's God or not...

  6. Hi everyone! I just scanned some old pictures from Aunt Carols house, god, i think around 13 yrs ago or so...check them out:

  7. or click on my photo album link. You'll find it under my name where the Blog followers info is

  8. Hi Mary - welcome to the fray! Thanks for the pics!

    Danny, thanks for all your comments!

    Larry - was wondering your opinion, since you're a practicing Catholic. Maybe you can help me understand!

    Also, I wanted to let everybody know that if you want to start a new topic, you can do so by hitting "new post" up top; I think this will start a new blog entry - in case you want to start in on a new topic.

    All the best to everyone and Happy Saint Patrick's Day! -brian

  9. Hey all--top o da marnin to ye all on this fine St. Patty's day. Hey Brian, I think you are torturing yourself. It is obvious you love the faith you were born into ergo; your dilemma. Look man, you gotta keep it simple. Almost childlike. Love God--how--love your neighbor. We all have to have a personal relationship with God, developed through prayer. Talk to Him like you would a BEST friend who really cared about you. Or your dad, who realy loved you. You are not responsible for feeling how you do. If your child entered into a gay realationship of course you don't turn on them. But it is perfectly OK to say "I don't like it'. But you are not making the choice--they are. I say you have to keep it simple. Hell, if I think about the horrors of the Inqusition I should run like hell away from the madness. But the church is made up of people and many, especially under the veil of the collar, have abused this privilege and ,I believe, will answer for their actions. For me, the church is a pathway to heaven. At the center is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the GREATEST LOVE story EVER that takes place within the Trinity. It is a GIFT to us. In it is all we need to know. Also--to make a sin MORTAL you have to know it is mortal, believe it is mortal and then say, who cares, and do it anyway. Doubt negates that so NO--you should NOT LEAVE the Catholic Faith. It is there for you. Stop listening to all the "experts". Like I said before , talk to God everyday. And-KEEP IT SIMPLE
    We cannot out-think a mystery that is so illogical. FAITH supercedes reason although they are intrinsically tied together. Reason actually tells us that there is "stuff" we will never understand. Anyway--enough for now---instead of corned beef looks like I'm having tuna--Larry

  10. is a good site to look at. In MY opinion you can be a republican, or a democrat and still be catholic. Yes, democrats believe social responsibilities and morals should not be mandated by the government but really can the government create a perfect catholic nation? I don't think it matters if you're a democrat or a the end it is up to us to instill morality and kindness in our children. Our government can NOT raise our matter what party is in office. Sure as Catholics we may not want to support the democratic viewpoints on abortion or the death penalty, but we may not want to support war and violence no matter what party you are a member of you will always compromise some part of your beliefs if you follow them completely. It's up to us to pass our faith and beliefs on...not Washington.

  11. The Republican & Democratic parties , to me, are invisible in 2009. What we have today are ultra liberal & ultra conservative idealogues commanding center stage. It has gotten vicious and disgusting. Middle of the roaders seem non-existent. Hopefully the pendulum wil swing back and once again some real compromise etc will again enter Washington. Right now it is personal agenda and me, me ,me ,me, It stinks.

  12. hi all,

    I'm back from the other world. Larry nice reply to Brian I couldn't have said it better myself. No really, no way could I have really said it better. Mary thanks for the pictures. My Firefox only let me see two, I'll work on it just as soon as I get get these people with phoney automobile warranties to stop calling me.
    Larry I got to agree that the only one's visible right now are the far left and the far right. And that said keep in mind that Obama's too centrist for me. I'm a left progressive but holy crap, some of these giveaways are even too New Dealey for me. Too much dough to the banks. John Stewart sez the govt should pay off all our debts then the banks would be flush with all our cash and we'd be outta debt wid a AAA credit rating. Crazy but I can't figure out why it wouldn't work.

  13. RE: The govt should pay off all our debts. A) where does the money come from? B) if all of your kids were in hock up to their eyeballs because of CAREFREE spending are you supposed to get all of them out of debt so they can have a nice credit rating and fresh start. Where do YOU get the money? How does that help them be responsible for what they do? For Gods sake..these banks and financial institutions have the same people in charge who screwed it all up to begin with.

  14. I think we're all outraged that these Bank execs and Wall St thieves and gamblers with other peoples money still have a job! Good hard working people are living in tents, begging for work and the very people who destroyed the economy are getting bonuses! Hopefully this crisis will once again may once again make the working man king like it was in the fifties. There is not a single elected official in Washington who is not corrupt simply by virtue of how the system is set up with pay to play. Maybe this crisis will change the way we elect otherwise good people who have to have their hands out if they have any expectation of getting elected.

  15. Today--in the Catholic Church--the Feast Day of St. Joseph Here is a guy who was honest, humble, and worked his butt off as a carpenter to take care of his family. Plus--and KUDOS to him--he stood by his woman even when she was found to be pregnant before they were married. Back then the penalty--they stoned you to death. Now that is some serious love and commitment--
    GO ST JOE A true role model for all men (by the way Danny's middle name)Daniel Joseph--how biblical

  16. Sorry-----I know it is Daniel James but I could not resist

  17. Er ah, to bad it aint Joseph, then maybe I could perform miracles like making my car payment on time.

  18. I thought car payments, credit card payments, and mortgage payments were all put on hold fo 12 months or until Chris Dodd restructures the banks.

  19. Dodd got busted good. he's AIG's poster boy. The need for campaign finance reform is critical. We'll see how Bam handles it. As long as lobbiests run da country this aint no land of the people.

  20. Bam said "no lobbyists in his administration". So what's up with all the "waivers" being issued to lobbyists---hate to break anyone's bubble but a pol is a pol is a pol. And the beat goes on---

  21. i won't accept dat. Ya gotta believe. Didja notice dere tellin everybody how to raise dere kids. Ya know, makin them make dere beds in da white house.(douyadink they should paint it black now.)

  22. Hey all - checking in. Thanks Larry and Mary for your comments. Didn't respond right away b/c I was mulling it over, still am!

    I like keeping it simple. Still thinking about the sticking points. You bring up mortal sin - this is a tough one, what if my conscience leads me to believe/act a certain way, yet the Catholic Church says "no, no, that's wrong."

    Here's food for thought. The Church says sex should only be for the intended purpose of procreation. Then, they say if you don't want to have kids, use the rhythm method. But wait, if you're using the rhythm method - you're not really doing it for kids, are you? So what gives...

    Mary, good point, BUT, the Church always does get involved and tries to sway people. Basically, voting for a pro-choice candidate is a sin of some sort (I think?). How's about them cookies? So how could i go to Church or in good conscience take the Eucharist. Maybe that's a worse sin...

    Still - I'm thinking over what you said and trying to reconcile myself in some way.

    That's it!

  23. How about what the Pope said about no condoms in Africa. No condoms in Africa!

  24. Hey Brian----I'm praying for you man. You can really BEAT yourself up. OK--what about an older couple that gets married (like me and Marty) she can't have kids-so what's up with that See what I mean? Many things are NOT actual church doctrine. When we were kids you could not eat meat on any Friday during the year. BOOM--now you can except during lent. So did the people who ate meat on the Friday before they changed this rule go to hell if they died that week? It is a Holy day of Obligation in Ireland on St. Patty's day. Not in the USA. So if I come here from Ireland on March 16th do I have to go to Mass the next day? I certainly do not have all the answers. But like I said--you have to keep it as simple as possible. The sacraments are the tools in place for us to use to get to our destination. The Golden Rule---RULES.

  25. I am trying to be open minded. HOWEVER--the Pres wants "smart meters" installed in every home in America. --the govt will have to train and hire thousands of govt electricians to do the job of installation. Purpose of the meters--to tell us when we can turn our power off and on and let us know if we use to much and turn us off if we do automatically etc
    b) he said we cannot bring jobs back here that have been outsourced (camapign promise) because the people here would never be paid enough DUH
    c) California is banning BLACK cars---they are "too hot"
    d) Don't forget Sat night at 8:30--turn off all power around the world for 1 hour

  26. Sat night we gotta go hear Samantha's rock band at her high school. I wonder if they'll cancel it? I'm in the dark most of the time anyway.
    Try to be a little bit more open minded. You sound like a Fox anchorperson with your nightmarish vision of thousands of GOVT trained Electricians descending on our homes, breaking down our doors, tying us up, raping our wives, reeducating our children to Mao's way, while all the while installing these hideous devious that will Force us aginst our will to conserve energy. Bam nevah sed nuttin about training thousands of Govt electricians. A Govt electrician would have to be even lazier than a regular electrician. He's talkin about the private sector, UNION Electricians. And you'll probably get a tax credit for having one installed. (Although I heard Michelle is holding out for forced removal of stem cells if you don't get one)
    Mao, er, I mean Bam, nevah said he wouldn't bring outsourced jobs back here, even if he could which he can't, Don't ya think he's doing too much already? - because nobody in this country wants to work for the chump change they pay dot heads. What he actually said was that , "he'd like to make jobs for 'union electricians' who make 80 to 90 thousand a year," with work on a new nationwide power grid." And a few smart meters to boot i suppose.
    Global warming is more tragically real than any of us can even imagine. Just look at the global weather picture. Help Ho Murtha, Murtha!!

  27. Hey all--"old guy: here. Just want to say Happy Monday and who cares about all the other bull shit ---life is to freakin short. Baseball season opens in a week (GO RAYS) Tiger is back, and the Red River has crested. Everything is GOOD

  28. Enthusiasm is wonderful. Didja see Tiger's putt on 18? I don't even watch golf but I caught that one. Bam's bailout of the banks and Wall St. could blow up in his face. Inside word is the fat cats on Wall St. played Geithner like a fiddle. They say that the J.P. Morgan Chase buying Bear Stearns was in reality a bailout for Morgan Chase. Word is Goldman Sach's made a twelve billion profit from AIG's bailout money. (On Moyer's Journal, the William Greider episode.)Bam's gonna be blushing big time if this becomes MSM news. Geithner? Good bye.

  29. So tell me--how can us slobs apply for an itsy bitsy million? To qualify I hear we have to have had screwed up our bill paying or overextended to our young-uns? If we overindulge our grandkids does that qualify us for psychotherapy which the gov't will pay for with new cigarette taxes? Do we have to account for any monies we receive or can we just piss it away as we want?

  30. The answer is YES to all of the above. If you didn't see the Daily Show last night try to catch the re-runs today or tonight at eight - Hilarious. He shows a clip of Obama saying the government will back up US automakers warranties. Too long to explain but ya gotta see it. Also, they're talkin about givin you $4,500 for your gas guzzler to put down on a new fuel efficeint car. I missed the boat on that goodie.
    PS. Yes I overindulge my grandchildren and Yes the government is paying for my psychotherapy.

  31. Ah--the beauty of preventing algae growth---Washington State has passed a law that bans any dish washing (Cascade, Electrasol etc) item that might have phosphates because it could cause algae growth in the rivers. The approved detergents cannot clean or degrease dishes. So the people are traveling out of state to buy the good stuff. This is supposed to be enacted in 13 more states very soon. Yes, you can still use it but you cannot buy it in Washington State.

  32. You got me thinking about what Cascade could be doing to my septic tank. Oy vey, should I call the White House?
    Even liberals are jumpin on the "excess" bandwagon. My favorite comedian, John Stewart, has taken to bashin the democrats and Obama lately. The pantywaist that does "Almanac" on our terrific local radio station - Natalie used to be a DJ there - facetiously suggested the Fed Gov should pay for an plexiglass walking tube from Troy, NY to the Battery so citizens could enjoy the sights from the bottom of the river while out on a stroll. I'm all for it. For real.
    Think of all the unemployed divers that would be put to work.
    The wealthy aint got no problem with giving up Bush's tax cuts. What they go balistic over is EFCA. They're donating millions to the Democrats to keep it from going through and it won't happen either, not this year at least. The mother working three jobs to put bread on the table for her kids better find a fourth as long as we're stuck with this piece of shit congress.
    All 535 member minus McCain should be executed.
    We just voted yesterday in a local election to replace the congresswoman who took Hillary's Senate seat. Both candidates had millions to spend. That both blanketed the TV with more commercials than Geico. The phone never stopped ringing with endless automated phone calls. They sent me enough paper crap to heat my house next winter if I burn it. (the election was a tie - oy vey, it aint over) meaning? these scum are already bought and payed for like every other swinging dick in Congress. Funny, the republican candidate campaigned against illegal immigration. When we voted at least ten illegal Mexicans were stripping the roof of the local government building where we vote. I'm gonna go buy them all coffee and donuts if their straw boss will let them have a break.

  33. I'm laughing out loud because----the last line of the first paragraph you wrote reads "The mother working---" Anyway, I had to read it several times because you were REALLY saying mother not "mother fucker" and I didn't understand it. Is that crazy or what???

  34. Okay---question. Where are all the Bloggers? Brian was last on here 3/21. Since then it has been Danny & I. "WHAS UP" where is everybody? Are you all dead or bored to death or worrying about global warming or maybe trying to figure out why there is an oxycodone shortage because of AIG-----

  35. LOL right back atcha. I've tried to curb my profanity because this is a family blog, but I sorely miss reaching peaks of poetic profanity. I dink you and me is da only ones showin up because we got da most time on our hands. But the younger folk should turn off the TV and take their brain cells out for a little exercise on the blog. Should Obama fire Geithner? In my opinion Wall St. has approached Geithner from behind and performed an act that the polite society of this blog prevents me describing.

  36. Okay---Geithner is an innocent foil who just was head of the SEC because the powers to be knew they could "have their way with him" so they got him the job. Yeah, the young folk should turn the damn TVs off unless it is Discovery, History,or maybe, EWTN (that could rock their world-they could check out Father Corapi on Sunday night at 8--this guy was a huge player (mob, drugs, hollywood starlets, millions of bucks,then homeless now he is a priest-- AMAZING)

  37. Er, the Simpsons come on at eight. That's my religion. I think Geithner was Pres of the NY Federal Reserve, that useles pinhead Cox was the head of the SEC. I'm not sure what ya mean by "the powers to be," Obama appointed Geithner, a Clinton retread just like Larry Summers, and Bam gotta get rid of all them neoliberal jerkoffs. I think the stimulas package should have been twice as much and we shoulda said screw the banks, Wall St. and all the fat cats in general. My lawn needs reseading and I'd be happy to hire a bunch of Mexicans to do it.

  38. Where have all the bloggers gone
    Long time since seeing them
    Where have all the bloggers gone
    Long time ago
    Where have all the bloggers gone
    Have they run like hell
    Where have all the bloggers gone
    Long time ago (The melody should be obvious)

  39. Hey Larry! Sorry I haven't been on in a bit. Lucas' cub scout events have been ramped up of late, also a bday party with his classmates last week had us pretty busy. But also, I've been mulling over what you said.

    I appreciate your comments - I find them comforting. Still, I contemplate things very slowly. I heard a scholar talking about St. Paul, the famous story of his instant conversion. They were saying that even though that conversion was quite dramatic, for most people in any faith or none at all, true conversion is something that takes much time, years, maybe a lifetime even. Something about Spring and Lent always has me longing for something deeper though. I can't help it, it just sorta happens, and I'm pensive.

    In the last month or so, some of my bad habits/vices just sorta melted away, even if for a limited time. I didn't have to think much about it, again, it just sorta happened. So there's something special about this time of year - new birth, new life, new beginnings.

    Father Corapi, yeah, he's an interesting person and speaker - I like to listen to his talks sometimes.

  40. Fr. Corapi, we learned just the other night is from Hudson, about 15 minutes from where we live. This explains his drug problems...

    Brian if you can reconcile your differences in thought with your home church, I will try too.

    And if you can't, we'll find another way to cope with our demons (everyone has them) and there is more than one way to be good.

    Love, Nat

  41. Hey big brother - sounds like ya got a couple of converts just in time for Easter. Couldn't make me happier.

    I think our demons are only demons because we make them such.

    If the Church allows Fr. Corapi to be a priest, why can't women be priests? Rome is trying to excommunicate a Maryknoll from Peekskill for allowing women to take Holy Orders.

    Am I nuts or does any one else think Geithner and Summers gotta go? It makes me sick that they're drinking champagne on Wall St. while another million people lose their jobs.

  42. Natalie - I love you!

    Danny - Re your take on demons, yeah - I agree, but that doesn't make them any less real! Still, it helps knowing this, and it reminds me of what Buddhists call "dualistic reality" - the tendency for humans to perceive reality in opposing terms - good/evil - right/wrong. They honor this truth, but say true understanding goes beyond these dicotomies. This is probably what a Christian would call the "super-rational" realm that God and maybe the saints operate in. Speaking of saints, I googled the Incorruptibles, saints whose bodies are perfectly perserved. The earliest, St. Cecilia, date back to the first century AD. That's just freaky and defies all logic! Anyway...

    Re Geithner - I remember that wallstreet rallied when he was appointed, now I have that sinking feeling, but I honestly don't know enough about it, ie, what makes him objectionable. More and more is coming out about Bernie Madoff et al., it makes me ill thinking how these wall street barons and fat cat capitalists just play with people's lives like it's a game. Still - important things can not be achieved without money, and it seems a necessary evil...

  43. Danny boy---how you compare Fr Corapi's rebirth to women being allowed to become priests is amazing--there is NO connection at all--Brian--you love Lucas unconditionally--so, imagine how God the Father loves you---a kazillion times more than you could possibly love your own son--take it from there and enjoy it--I also have to comment on the interaction I have seen quite a few times between you and Natalie---man oh man, do you guys love each other. Now there is a gift God gave you--so simple yet so powerful--Awesome

  44. Er, you're just a tad cavalier giving credit to God for the love between my daughter and son-in- law. I take all the credit for that as I'm sure Brian would tell you anytime. In my universe I have to ask, what the hell has God got to do with it.
    Fr. Corapi? It's Easter week and with all due respect Mt. Vitupero will wait until Monday to erupt on the question of him and women in the priesthood.
    Brian - we create our demons - nobody else (unless your thinking of me of course, i guess there's some exceptions)




  46. Happy Easter You crazy loons!

  47. Hey- Nat here- The hard drive on our computer is split because Brian doesn't want his carefully catalogues files (etc.) co-mingling with my messy desktop style. We love each other, share everything... except computer hard drive space.. Alas, I came to the computer today and Bri has some music programs open. I do not want to close them and log off from "his side" so.. Here I am.. Logged on as "Bri"
    Anyway... Happy Easter near and far!! Much Love, Nat

  48. Hey you guys--is a split hard-drive sort of like a split personality. I'm freakin old and never heard of this split hard drive thingy. Quite disconcerting. Maybe they have "shrink software" available to correct this type of problem. I have to go to CompUsa later and I'll ask about it. Okay, ok ok--The next time I see "Bri said" leading a comment how am I to know if it is not Natalie---man --you guys are messing with my mind. Okay ok o ko k---I understand the MINGLING of the messy with the organized ( I'm a slob and Marty is into ORDER) so that is ok--But---oh shit, my hard drive just told me my new logon is Mike
    Okay--see ya---Uncle Mikey (maybe)

  49. I can't even get my hard drive hard - and you guys think you got problems.
    Great Easter for us. We had just sat down to our first MOJITO when the kids came running in to tell us Alana had hurt herself on the trampoline. SHE BROKE TWO BONES IN HER FOOT. Oy vey. Danny spent the whole day at the ER while Denise put out a spectacular feast and we all ate like piggies. (they should have a special holiday for pigs like they do for the Easter Bunny. Maybe, Mr. Pig Day, when we could hide bacon in broken egg shells under the couch for the kids to find in the morning.)

  50. In honor of the Fox News sponsored Tea Day I'm gonna go take a piss in the river.

  51. Latest score from the Indian Ocean

    Navy 3
    Pirates 0

  52. HOLY CRAP----C.C Sabbathia gets--$161 million goes 5 & 1/3 innings Yanks stomped in $1.5 billion
    new stadium---NY papers must be going wild. Maybe the Yanks now qualify for stimulus money.

    Rays upped their payroll $20 million --total amount for the WHOLE team is now $61 million

    Baseball needs a salary cap like the NFL

  53. I agree completely. Can't wait to see the new stadium though. The Yanks already pay a hefty luxury tax but still, their excess is dismaying. But, Their still raking in the millions win or lose. Go figger.

  54. This made me laugh

  55. Hey everybody---"WHAS UP" Swine Flu---UH-OH
    Govt owns GM----UH-OH
    No More Pontiacs-- That sucks---love that car


  56. That wuz funny Natalie.
    MSM is falling over itself to spread panic about Swine Flu. i had a wicked flu Tuesday night but it was completely gone in less than twenty four hours. With all this fuss over swine flu, my illness was less trouble than a flu shot and I assume I'm now immune to the piggy bug.
    Bummer about Pontiac. Matt has a 2008 which I suppose is worth more now. The 67 GTO I fanasize about restoring has just doubled in price.
    I think we own about a third of GM stock. That's fine with me. What I do have a problem with however is the trillions that went to Wall St and the Banks.

  57. 1.000.000,000,000 ==1 trillion or a thousand billion

    100,000,000,000 = 100 billion or a a hundred thousand million

    so 1,000,000,000 = 1 billion is a thousand million--chump change

    next step 1,000,000,000,000,000 a quadrillion

  58. I'll believe it when I see a lotto prize that big.
    Ya dink I'd be happy with our new liberal congress. I don't kid myself. They're all just shills for the big banks.

  59. RAYS vs YANKS tonight----at the pseudo wannabe Yankee Stadium (real one still accross the street) Hope the RAYS kick ass----a guy I really admire is Jeter. All these years, all-star, celebrity etc and I don't think I ever heard any of the slightest scandal or negative comments about him---a class act

  60. Ya happy now? Just wait,, just wait

  61. Tell me if you think I'm right on or paranoid---The Rays, in the 1st month, have to play the Yanks & Red Sox 15 times. Then they send them (in between) to Seattle, Oakland & Minnesota. Minnesota night game and then Red Sox next day in St. Pete. The point is--the powers to be DO NOT want the Rays to be successful. Why? Because who gives a shit about the Rays when it comes to playoffs. Yanks & Dodgers or Sox and Dodgers etc draw a lot more revenue than say Rays & Philles--maybe I'm nuts--BUT----

  62. Maybe your nuts? Maybe??? Actually i like your conspiracy theories - fits right in with swine flue and Pakistan's nukes. Maybe I'm crazy but didn't the Rays just bitch slap the Yankees AT THE STADIUM? Aren't they the ALCS champs? The Rays look pretty awesome again, I just hope Longoria gets in a boating accident or the Yanks could be fried. (just kidding about Longo)
    I invited everyone on the blog to join The Nation discussion group. Mary joined. Hip Hip Hooray for Mary. The Nation is the oldest continously published Privately Owned magazine in the country. It started during the Civil War as an abolitionist screed but quickly transformed into a voice for progressives and has remained so ever since. Unlike the Main Stream Media which are all corporately owned, The Nation speaks for itself and is not controlled by corporate greed. No swine flu or P-Nukes Panic between it's pages. Obama hadn't even finished his last champaign toast inauguration day before the Nation was all in his shit about Geithner and Summers. Hooray!

  63. Yeah--exactly. My point is they don't want it to happen again--how to prevent--wear them out--of course it may not work. The team is loaded with GOOD KARMA and they all get along great. That is an intangible you cannot buy

  64. I want to be #70 in the messages. So here I am with actually nothing to say. I do get to take up the 70th spot. So bloggers, where did you all go? HELLOOOOOOOO----WHAS UP? YOOOHOOOO

  65. Where have all the flowers gone....... yoohoo yoohooo yohoooo

  66. It is now June 10---so I am posting just so the blog site doesn't feel too neglected---by by

  67. Were you really up at 3:39 am???? I have neglected this site. I dont have much news to report though. Just kids and school. Oh, and if you guys want to watch an entertaining show watch Obsessed on AE..

  68. alright my wonderful beauties that I love so much. The old bastard is turning sixty five. Is he still getting on? God bless him. I'm still a shmuck - aparently a life long condition. Save, save, save the economy is headed for the crapper. ME-- I'll always be goodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  69. What "old bastard" are you referring to? You're the most lovable shmuck I ever knew---it is a top notch malfunction---

  70. On this fine Wedbesday morning I just thought I would say HI, I guess to me, because I think this site has outlived itself---SEE YA

  71. Just thought I would stop by and see if anyone is "home". Looks like everyone moved. Probably all Facebooking or Twittering---see ya

  72. Help Ho Murtha Murtha! This is a family blog not a geriatric blog. I still love Obama but boy is he pissing me off. As of last count 12.5 trillion has gone to the banks and Woe St. while 21,000 additional auto worker jobs will be cut with Bam's "Auto Task Force" outsourcing most of those jobs to Mexico, Korea, Japan and China. It's business as usual for the financial titans still getting 25 million dollar bonuses while the guy who busted his ass on an assembly line for twenty years is told to take a hike. So much for the stimulas packshit. And MSNBC is shocked that Bam is "so far to the left." What a bunch of assholes. Don't these journalist read ANYTHING? Bam's playing straight out of Clinton's playbook which simply stated is all for the rich (because I'll get mine later) and fuck the working people.

  73. Diaper wearing Al Franken is now a United States Senator-----I think I've had enough. Time to get out my legos and build a fort.

  74. Oh well. July is almost over so I thought I would enter some drivel here just so the blog doesn't forget who we are. Her goes---dkjgjd lgkgjl jfuitr kjtlf jfngnbu udef--see ya
